Small changes - yield big impact.

Each of the projects represented is the successful outcome of a carefully designed and thought out construction process.

Many projects are alterations, additions or remodeling of existing buildings.

Innovative programs such as ArchiCAD are used so that 3D models and drawings can be created for our clients.  This makes the design process intuitive but straight-forward (sometimes referred to a B.I.M., or Building Information Modeling) and this allows us to virtually prototype your project before it is built.  Not only will it make construction easier, but it also eliminates some of the mistakes that used to happen in the good old days of pencil and paper drawings.  All of this ends up being a better and a more economical project. 

  Mark R. Wallace • AIA • Architect  

P.O. BOX 26537  |  COLLEGEVILLE  |  PA  |  19426

Contact:  610-454-9510  (v)   OR  Email Mark